I took my boat there to have the wiring fixed I was quoted $350 when it was all said and done because it took them longer to do it than they expected they wind up charging me $700 . I believe when you tell somebody the price of something that should be what it cost it's not my fault that they under quoted me but I had to pay the money to get my boat back. I believe this place is just a scam to collect money because most of the year they're closed because they have no water and they need to make that big mortgage payment I agree with the gentleman who had his jet ski fixed and broke down and cost him $1,200 . I would not recommend this place if it was the last place on Douglas Lake. I live right across the canal and I'd sooner go to Schwan's to get my gas
I took my boat there to have the wiring fixed I was quoted $350 when it was all said and done because it took them longer to do it than they expected they wind up charging me $700 . I believe when you tell somebody the price of something that should be what it cost it's not my fault that they under quoted me but I had to pay the money to get my boat back. I believe this place is just a scam to collect money because most of the year they're closed because they have no water and they need to make that big mortgage payment I agree with the gentleman who had his jet ski fixed and broke down and cost him $1,200 . I would not recommend this place if it was the last place on Douglas Lake. I live right across the canal and I'd sooner go to Schwan's to get my gas