This is a small hardware store, so it's difficult to compete with big box store prices. I do shop at the big box stores 95% of the time, but Germantown Hardware is a great place for oddball items. I can go in there and buy a handful of nails in a paper bag for cheaper than a plastic, manufactured carton of nails from Lowe's or Home Depot. I'm rating this place 3 stars because the cashiers usually greet you, but the owner (manager?) isn't very friendly. He's always there and almost never talks to me when I walk by. If I owned a small business, I'd be a little more outgoing.
This is a small hardware store, so it's difficult to compete with big box store prices. I do shop at the big box stores 95% of the time, but Germantown Hardware is a great place for oddball items. I can go in there and buy a handful of nails in a paper bag for cheaper than a plastic, manufactured carton of nails from Lowe's or Home Depot. I'm rating this place 3 stars because the cashiers usually greet you, but the owner (manager?) isn't very friendly. He's always there and almost never talks to me when I walk by. If I owned a small business, I'd be a little more outgoing.