I am a breast cancer patient who was being treated at Vanderbilt. I received a letter from them advising that BC/BC refused to sign another contract with them. I had until the end of December to find another provider, however no one would accept my insurance. I had no way to follow up or make return appts with my Oncologists or other physician's. My PCP order a mammogram, as it had been over a year, at a local hospital. The results of the mammogram and ultrasound were abnormal. Now what ? Everytime I see a specialist it is $ 40.00. I simply cant afford it. BC/BC should be ashamed of themselves, there are hundreds of patient's like me. Most providers feel the decision to severe ties with Vanderbilt was selfish and politically motivated. So ..... in the meantime I have no way to obtain a biopsy, MRI, surgeon or Oncologist. Negligence comes to mind.
I am a breast cancer patient who was being treated at Vanderbilt. I received a letter from them advising that BC/BC refused to sign another contract with them. I had until the end of December to find another provider, however no one would accept my insurance. I had no way to follow up or make return appts with my Oncologists or other physician's. My PCP order a mammogram, as it had been over a year, at a local hospital. The results of the mammogram and ultrasound were abnormal. Now what ? Everytime I see a specialist it is $ 40.00. I simply cant afford it. BC/BC should be ashamed of themselves, there are hundreds of patient's like me. Most providers feel the decision to severe ties with Vanderbilt was selfish and politically motivated. So ..... in the meantime I have no way to obtain a biopsy, MRI, surgeon or Oncologist. Negligence comes to mind.